When you visit a webpage that uses Flash and the plugin is missing, you will see the message "A plugin is needed to display this content" for parts of the page that require Flash (if at all):
Follow the steps below to install the latest Flash Player plugin.
Table of Contents
Installing the Flash plugin manually
and then click Exit
Keeping Flash up-to-date
The latest version of the Flash plugin should perform better and
crash less often. To check if Flash is up to date, visit Mozilla's Plugin Check page. If it says that Flash needs to be updated, install the latest version manually using the steps in the section above.
Troubleshooting the Flash plugin
See Flash Plugin - Keep it up to date and troubleshoot problems for steps to troubleshoot the Flash plugin.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
cara mengatasi a plugin is needed to display this content Ketika melihat konten video, animasi, dan permainan
Posted by Unknown on 19:28
Sukarelawan kami sedang bekerja menerjemahkan artikel ini.
Sebelum siap, mungkin versi bahasa Inggris-nya dapat membantu.
Adobe Flash Player is a plugin that allows browsers such as
Firefox to display Flash media on web pages. Flash is often used for
animations, videos and games. This article explains how to install
Adobe's download page may include a checkbox for optional software
(such as Google Chrome or McAfee Security Scan) that is selected by
default. If you do not clear the checkbox before downloading, that
software will be installed on your computer when you open the Flash
Click the menu button
Note: If you are having problems with the Flash installer from Adobe's download page, you can use this Flash Player installer link to directly download the full installer.
ohhh jadi harus download itu dulu ya.. thanks kak :))
jadi harus di gituin ya gan ..tnx infonya
mantap pak
thanks infonya... kunbal ya gan
Harus download yea..
nggk kok gan, timbuk weh pake bata layar monitornya :d
iya teh download
iya gan digituin, asal jangan di begonoin aja
pak mantap
Akhirnya ketemu juga solusinya :D
jadi gini ye gan , makasih sharenya
itu kalo ga update apa ga bisa dipake gan?
Ok Thx For All.. Berkunjung lagi yahh :)
wajib di update gan, gk bisa kalo gk di update
mantaf gan,,, aku baru tau loh,, harus download loh hehhe
thx ya gan